Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Factors that Affect Learning Outcomes


Factors that influence the success of learning that can be divided into two major parts namely the internal factors and external factors.
Internal factors
1) Biological factors (physical)
Physical condition that needs attention, the first normal physical condition or do not have defects in the womb until after birth. Normal physical condition should include the circumstances of this particular brain, senses, body parts. Second, physical health conditions. The physical condition of healthy and fresh greatly affect the success of learning. In the physical health, there are some things that need to be considered include regular eating and drinking, exercise and enough sleep.
2) Psychological Factors
Psychological factors that influence the success of this study include all matters relating to a person's mental condition. Mental conditions that can support the learning success is the mental condition of a steady and stable. Psychological factors include the following. First, intelligence. Intelligence or intelligence of a person's basic level is a major effect on the success of one's learning. Second, the will. Willpower can be said the main factor determining the success of one's learning. Third, talent. Talent is not able to determine whether or not a person in a field, but more determine the level of one's ability in a field.
External Factors
1) Family Environmental factor
Environmental factors or a family home environment is first and foremost also in determining the success of one's learning. The atmosphere is pretty quiet home environment, parental attention to the development of learning and education of his children it will affect the success of learning.
2) School environmental factor
The school environment is necessary to determine the success of student learning. Things that most affect students 'learning success in school include teaching methods, curriculum, teacher relationships with students, students' relationships with students, lessons, school time, order or discipline that consequently and consistently enforced.
3) Community Environmental factors 

 A student should be able to choose the environment that can support learning success. Community is external factors which also influence on student learning because the existence of it in society. Environment that can support the learning success of which is, non-formal educational institutions, such as foreign language courses, guidance tests, teaching teens and others.
With look after these factors are expected to increase one's learning results and can prevent students from the causes of learning inhibition.


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