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Saturday, September 24, 2011

10 Mistakes Educating Children


   
         When you think whether you are an exemplary parent? So your answer, of course I am the role model for my child. We will not find "The tiger eats his own son", or perhaps it's impossible for us to harm our own children. Parents are always trying to provide the best for their child. In fact many parents make mistakes in educating their child.
Here are some mistakes that you may not realize happen in educating your child:
1. Less Oversight
          According to Professor Robert Billingham, Human Development and Family Studies - Indiana University, "Children hanging out with too much artificial environment outside the family, and it is a tragedy that should be considered by parents". Well now you know, how to work around this, for example when your child is in day care or school, try to visit him regularly and unplanned. If your control is reduced, the solution look for another daycare. Do not let your child roam alone. Your child needs attention.
2. Failed Listening
         According to psychologist Charles Fay, Ph.D. "Many parents are too tired to pay attention - tend to ignore what their children expressed", ie Aisha came home with an inert eye, generally the elderly and then directly respond to it in excess, to guess the child hit the ball, or fighting with his friend. In fact, parents do not know what happened to the children themselves who tell it.
3. Home Seldom Meet
         According to Billingham, parents should let children make mistakes, let the child learn from mistakes so as not to repeat the same mistakes. Help your child to solve their own problems, but do not take advantage for your benefit.
4. Too Excessive
         According to Judy Haire, "many parents spend 100 miles per hour drying my hair, than to spend an hour with their children". Children need time alone to feel the boredom, because it would spur creativity bring up the child grows.
5. Arguing In front of Children
        According to psychiatrist Sarah B. Miller, Ph.D., of the most influential destructive behavior is the "fight" in front of children. When parents fight in front of their children, especially boys, then the result is a candidate who is not sensitive man who can not relate in a healthy woman. Parents should warm the discussions between them, without the children around them. Naturally, the parents try a different opinion but without anger. Do not create feelings of insecurity and fear in children.
6. Not Consistent
        Children need to feel that their parents have a role. Do not let them beg and whine to be a powerful weapon to get what they want. Parents should be firm and authoritative in front of children.
7. Ignoring Heart Voice
       According to Lisa Balch, mother of two children, "just do it according to your heart and let it flow without also ignoring the voices around him that weakens. I learned a lot that parents should have a keen sense of something ".
8. Watch TV Too Much
        According to Neilsen Media Research, American children aged 2-11 years watch three hours and 22 minutes broadcast TV a day. Watching television will make children lazy learning. Parents tend to allow children to linger in front of the TV rather than interfere with parents. Parents are very unlikely be able to filter the entry of negative advertising that does not educate.
9. Everything Measured By Material
         According to Louis Hodgson, mother of 4 kids and grandmother of 6 grandchildren, "children now have many objects to be collected". It is not wrong spoil the child with toys and a luxury holiday. But that should realize is that your child requires quality time with their parents. They tend to want to be heard than be given something and silent.
10. Be Next Heavy
        Some parents sometimes more supportive of children and child biased while vilifying her partner in front of children. Their perception will disappear and tend to be biased. Spend time with children at least 10 minutes interrupted your busy life. And make sure your child knows the time with parents is time that can not be interrupted.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Functions and Responsibilities of Teachers For Administrators
            A teacher is not only as educator and teacher, but also as an administrator in education and teaching. Participation of teachers in school administration is crucial and imperative.
Participation should be interpreted as referred to opportunities to teachers and principals to give an example of how democracy can be applied to solve many educational problems.
Gradually the pressure is given to the participation of teachers in educational administration / school, the administration and school management.
A teacher not only as educators but also as an administrator in the field of education. Therefore, teachers are required to work a regular administration of all the implementation in relation to the learning process needs to be well administered.
It was all done so that teachers actually became a teacher and a professional counselor is required in this era.

Teacher and Education Administration
The teacher as an administrator
A teacher not only as educators and teachers, but also as an administrator in education and teaching. Therefore a teacher is required to work in the administration regularly.
Any implementation in relation to the learning process needs to be well administered. Because the administration is done such as making plans to teach, to record their learning and so is a valuable document that he has done his job well.

Ø Importance of Teacher Participation in Educational Administration
Participation of teachers in school administration is crucial and imperative. Participation should be interpreted as referred to opportunities to teachers and principals to members of fish example of how democracy can be applied to solve many educational problems.

Ø The meaning of democracy in school administration
Implementation of democracy in school administration should be taken to mean that the administration as an activity or series of leadership activities, with the school's goals and ways to achieve them are developed and executed.
If the administration is seen as peruses working with people and coordinate their efforts into a whole that works efficiently and productively, it is clear that the responsibility can no longer focused on just one person alone.
Responsibilities should be distributed widely among all the people who took part in school programs.

Ø Several opportunities to participate
There are various opportunities that can be used to engage teachers in school activities such as;
a. Develop a philosophy of education
Develop a philosophy of education means that educational activities in each step is always trying to answer whether we are doing, how we do it, because what we do, and for what we do.
b. Improve and adjust the curriculum
The requirement to include the teachers, in an effort to improve and adjust the curriculum.
c. Planning a program supervision
d. Planning for staffing policies
e. Other opportunities to participate.

B. Teacher functions
In exposure revealed by Muhibbin Shah, basically functions or peruses an important role of teachers in teaching and learning is as director of learning (study director). That is, each teacher is expected to be very clever directing student learning activities in order to achieve success in learning (academic performance) as defined in the target peruses teaching and learning activities.
Thus, it became clear that the role of teachers in the world of modern education has been increased from just teaching to learning director. Consequently, the duties and responsibilities of teachers are becoming more complex and severe.
The function of educators in education can be summed up into three parts, namely:
1. As a teacher (instruksioal) tasked to plan teaching programs and implement programs that have been compiled and end with the implementation of the assessment after the program is implemented.
2. As educators (educators) that directs students to the level of maturity that kamil insane personality along with the purpose God created it.
3. As the leader of (managerial) are leading, controlling oneself, students, and related community, which involves taking direction, supervision, organization, pengkontrolan, and participation on the program conducted.

C. Duties and Responsibilities of Teachers
In addition to teaching, teachers, too, have duties and responsibilities are as follows:
· Mandatory find that there are innate in young students with a variety of ways such as observation, interviews, through relationships, questionnaires and so forth.
· Trying menoloong didikmengembangkan child a good disposition and suppressing the development of poor developing agartidak.
· Demonstrating to the students the task of adults with caramemperkenalkan various fields of expertise, skills, so that students choose appropriately.
· Make an evaluation of each waktuuntuk know if development goes well protege. Bimbimgan and provide counseling when students encountered difficulties in developing its potential.
Meanwhile, according to Oemar Hamalik, duties and responsibilities of teachers includes 11 types, namely:
· Teachers should guide students to learn
· Participate developing the school curriculum.
· Conduct guide the child's self (personality, temperament, and physical).
· Providing guidance to students.
· Conduct diagnosis of learning difficulties and to assess the progress of learning.
· Conducting research.
· Know the community and actively participate in it.
· Living with, practice, and securing the Pancasila.
· Participate and assist the creation of unity and national unity and world peace.· Also development succeed.
· Improve the professional responsibility of teachers.

Factors that Affect Learning Outcomes

Factors that influence the success of learning that can be divided into two major parts namely the internal factors and external factors.
Internal factors
1) Biological factors (physical)
Physical condition that needs attention, the first normal physical condition or do not have defects in the womb until after birth. Normal physical condition should include the circumstances of this particular brain, senses, body parts. Second, physical health conditions. The physical condition of healthy and fresh greatly affect the success of learning. In the physical health, there are some things that need to be considered include regular eating and drinking, exercise and enough sleep.
2) Psychological Factors
Psychological factors that influence the success of this study include all matters relating to a person's mental condition. Mental conditions that can support the learning success is the mental condition of a steady and stable. Psychological factors include the following. First, intelligence. Intelligence or intelligence of a person's basic level is a major effect on the success of one's learning. Second, the will. Willpower can be said the main factor determining the success of one's learning. Third, talent. Talent is not able to determine whether or not a person in a field, but more determine the level of one's ability in a field.
External Factors
1) Family Environmental factor
Environmental factors or a family home environment is first and foremost also in determining the success of one's learning. The atmosphere is pretty quiet home environment, parental attention to the development of learning and education of his children it will affect the success of learning.
2) School environmental factor
The school environment is necessary to determine the success of student learning. Things that most affect students 'learning success in school include teaching methods, curriculum, teacher relationships with students, students' relationships with students, lessons, school time, order or discipline that consequently and consistently enforced.
3) Community Environmental factors 

 A student should be able to choose the environment that can support learning success. Community is external factors which also influence on student learning because the existence of it in society. Environment that can support the learning success of which is, non-formal educational institutions, such as foreign language courses, guidance tests, teaching teens and others.
With look after these factors are expected to increase one's learning results and can prevent students from the causes of learning inhibition.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Effective Study Tips

There's a good idea to make a good preparation for one semester to the next. No different than the participants themselves who are required to prepare all purposes, such as textbooks, exercise books or uniforms. In addition, there are some important things you need to consider, First, determine your target on what this semester. Then create a daily schedule that it steps towards these targets. In order to target its learning goals more quickly, here are some tips on how to effective learning, which has been proven by several advanced countries. These tips run your own bias, or transmitted to your learners.1. An American friend suggested that she could learn from his father. The first day of school, repeat the lessons that have been obtained. After that brief two-page reading material for looking for the next frame only. Once the teacher explained the lesson the next day, you've got a picture or basically, just to add just what you do not know. So it came home from school, staying just repeat to seek conclusion or summary.2. Always listen to the concentration of full-time teacher or lesson conveyed totor. Content you hear will easily be called again once you memorize the lesson again.3. Some friends also recommended for re-typing notes into the computer lessons. Logically, with a note meant to retype the same as re-reading lessons that had just come from school. The material was repeated in the brain's memory can be stored for long periods of time. Even better if re-read it or learn it after a typed note.4. Another way is to re-read the lesson notes and then make a conclusion with the sentence itself. So long in the memory can be engraved, written conclusions on a piece of paper was a small-sized business cards. The cards are effective to repeat and read brief spare time.5. Another friend suggested to always use a different record books on every subject. This was seen more regularly so that at the time wanted to repeat a lesson we no longer need to open all the books.6. Repeating the lesson does not always have to read or write. Friends teach others about the new material can be repeated to make you always remember the material. Good again, you become more aware of the material.7. Learning suddenly before the test was not effective. At least a month before the test is an ideal time for revision. The material is a lot not a problem. The trick: always make a summary or conclusion on any subject, if necessary, use tables or illustrations so easy to remember.8. There are some friends in Australia who likes learning time during the day. Understandably, the body is still fresh after a good night's sleep, so morale is still high. Good condition did not they just waste it. Full concentration on their morning classes and afternoon concentration to repeat again. At night they used to do only light activities or homework. So it's never staying.9. If the body tired, would make concentration difficult. Some friends suggested to first holiday of a sporting event or other physical activity a day ahead of the general tests.10. Learn while listening to music is fun. Choose a quiet but evocative music. Kinds of classical music Beethoven Mozart ato can be tried. This type of music really suited for accompany you during a task that the answer is definitely, like mathematics, natural sciences or foreign languages. Guaranteed to learn your stamina will always contain and energetic.


Teenagers learn to make the school year because it is very important for the future provision and in terms of learning is the need for a calm, because the atmosphere teens can concentrate, concentrate on the lessons would be learned and the quiet atmosphere that makes the spirit of learning to be more enterprising. So If you want to learn how best to do it:

# Most effective if carried out at dawn where the atmosphere was calm until he could better understand the lesson in concentration.

# Try to have just woken up when not directly studied, but wash your face or bathe immediately, and if the religion of Islam first morning prayers do not forget to pray in order to get useful knowledge.

# And do some minor body movements or exercises such as waving his arms, legs and neck slowly in order to gain fresh. This is so easy to capture what the mind is to be studied because the body with a fresh mind can digest what is being studied.

Well if fellow teenagers can do on a regular basis can certainly bring good results and satisfying. Congratulations to learn, show the world it is our greatest generation this century.

10 Ways of Effective Learning

We agree that lifelong learning needs to occur and in all facets of life. The problem and the person's ability to absorb new knowledge is limited. Especially in an era of information overload as it is now, where the amount of knowledge that can be studied is beyond human capacity to reach it. It means with limited time, energy, memory and other capabilities, we should give priority to learning strategies that can give us the maximum results in time limited. The following article which I took from Psychology discusses some steps that we can do to maximize our learning.

1. Learn the basics of memory upgrades - there are certain techniques that can help us to improve the ability to remember, which of course will depend on memory and learning one's way. Some things we can learn techniques such as mind maps, mnemonics, etc..

2. Learn and apply new things. One way to become effective learners is to keep learning. With repeated learning new things and practicing, we are building pathways in the brain tissue that will strengthen our connection with the new information

3. Learn in different ways. Obviously everyone has different ways of learning. But if we want to learn how to learn another (visual, audio, movement) or other learning methods, the brain will be able to put that information in several different places, which will facilitate the calling information.

4. Teach what we have learned to others - one of the best ways to learn something is by teaching it to others. Of course, after going through the process of internalization and translation, where we will teach in the manner and method that matches our own way and not just copied. Writing blogs is one way to teach something in a different way to others.

5. Use the previous lesson to learn new things. This is called relational learning, in which we will include new information on things we already know.

6. Practice - looking for experience. One of the best ways to improve the effectiveness of learning is to practice - and not simply learn or write something about the new knowledge. Practice information regularly!

7. Look for answers and not just remember - as much as possible if we're trying to remember some information, we better do some research to get the answer. If we are accustomed to recall some information, there is a trend we will forget the information in the future. This happens because by repeating the experiment remember, we're recording the activity in a negative rather than positive in our memories.

8. Understand how the best way to learn - everyone is unique, including in the way and learning strategies. The more we understand the uniqueness, strengths and our weaknesses, the more we can learn effectively

9. Use the test to improve learning - exams help us to be able to recall information that was tested in a longer period of time

10. Stop multitasking - research has shown that multitasking actually makes learning becomes less effective.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Study in America

United states until now become a favorite destination to pursue science. The success of Superpower America became the main attraction to explore areas of lectures mainly relating to the field of economy, arts and world cinema. In addition, the U.S. became a favorite because there lies the best universities in the world such as Harvard, Princeton, Yale, etc.. There are several options in U.S. universities:

1. State College / University, a public university supported by the local government / state.
2. Private College / University, is a private university which usually have higher tuition fees
3. Two-Year College, providing higher education for 2 years. These graduates still have to go to university if you want to get a Bachelor's degree
4. Community College, offers two years of education held by the government / community in a local community. Many special services to students such as free tutorials or offering afternoon classes. In addition they also offer transfer programs, as well as vocational choice (job-training) program.
5. Professional School, offers courses in art, music, and other businesses. Bachelor's degree is obtained
6. Technical Institute, teaches areas such as medical technology or engineering industry. Unfortunately, later obtained a degree which is not always the same as a degree college / university and education credits are not recognized in the transfer program.
7. Institute of Technology, takes about 4 years of study for science and technology. But some are offering programs such as community and junior colleges are shorter learning period in the field that much easier.
8. Church-related School, a college / university that was founded by religious institutions. They also do not close the possibility of accepting students from religious backgrounds and different beliefs.
Students who graduate from high school can immediately enter the College / University if they are accepted at the university they want. But if not, they can enter the Junior College and follow the educational program of 2 years before eventually went to university of choice. Several departments at colleges / universities require students to take the Junior College prior to preparation. Most foreign students entering junior college in preparation to get to know the language and culture. Title at the Junior College is an Associate Degree will be forwarded to the University and took his first degree.
To pursue education in America, you first must have a minimum TOEFL score of 600, with the ability of speech skills. This requirement is absolute, non-negotiable. After that you must go through the GRE test or tests of academic ability with an average score of 600-700 with all aspects: quantitative, verbal and analytical skills. For some universities, this test is a requirement of administration where they keep the value of prospective students passed standardized tests, because according to their owners a low GRE score does not mean not having sufficient academic ability. But there is also a very university GRE standards. When you apply to university in America, one that you should remember that the competition is very high. Guns only compete with one State, when applying to millions of prospective students from various countries is also a place in university, so it might be better if you register at least five universities, with a ranking of the top to middle.
Cost of living in the United States vary depending on where you spend a study period. Costs which will arise only guns only cost lives, but will vary widely. The first thing to consider is the cost of tuition varies per university. Then the books and stationery are required to purchase textbooks and stationery, accommodation costs to rent an apartment and daily food, and personal needs. On average the cost is U.S. $ 25,000 per year. Payment of tuition is usually done at the beginning of the semester, the following accommodation costs and other costs. Foreign students are advised to pay health insurance to avoid the high cost of health care in the U.S.. The average cost of insurance is $ 500 which includes the cost to the doctor, medication, hospitalization, surgery, ambulance, Xray, lab tests etc., but does not cover dental care and eye wear purchase.
If your hobby is having chat and email, try to correspond with one of the professors who taught the field you're interested in your destination university. Usually they are very open to discuss various fields, especially their respective field of study. Correspondence with the professor will make you get a lot of information and advice you need about the culture, procedures and others concerned with the education system in your choice of university. Also, try browsing or looking for groups of Indonesian students in America, which can help you to find a place to live, work part time or help to everyday life you while you were in America.


To reach success in the future, students vying to learn to get good grades in school. In accordance with the adage "Learning is the key to success". Learning is to understand, feel, learn, explore, explain, so that by studying people will know everything that is not yet known.
Learning is generally done during school hours. However, to obtain an effective way of learning, learning takes a lot. Not in school hours, learning must be done at home. Successful learning depends on learning how each person, everyone has different ways of learning. However, some people have brains work the same way, so study in the same way. Here are some good tips on how to learn.

1. Intend in yourself, give motivation to study first. Sure and give morale in the liver. That, by learning we can get good grades in school.
2. Start learning to read first. After the reading, create a resume of the books you read. Reading, writing improve memory performance in your brain.
3. If anyone does not understand, do not be shy to ask. And do not be shy to answer questions from others. Learn from others' questions add to your knowledge.
4. Avoid from cheating action. Do the exam with the answers themselves. That way, you'll know which side is not yet known, and which side is to be learned.
5. Learning that is too serious is not good for the brain, give a level of learning time and refreshing. Can also be done by study groups, study groups to learn an efficient alternative. If no one understood, you can ask directly to your study buddy group.
6. Create a good learning time planning. For example, if you go to school from 7 until 2 pm, give it time 2 hours at 7 pm until 9 o'clock to repeat the lessons at school.
7. Learn to persevere, keep practicing with various problems in school.
To the 7 tips above will not matter if you do not have the motivation to learn, increase your motivation, then follow these tips on effective learning, learning with sincere prayer to God, to be given maximum results, good luck.

Who does not want schools abroad? Without intending to underestimate education in our country, but indeed to overseas schools be one of the attractions for most students in Indonesia, and the United States may be one of the main goals (or favorites). Previously, I was sharing about what is excess school abroad. In essence, starting from getting the best teachers in the world, a complete super facilities that support learning activities, friends from different countries (diversed), global connections, a library complete with books, and the values ​​of life that may can only be found when it is outside your comfort zone (self-reliance, tolerance, patience, etc.), are a handful of benefits that can be found when schools abroad. My friend Marsha has written about the Indonesian Sugana vs. the American Education in Jakpost too: D
Far from schools abroad, student exchange activities short, training, or even a vacation though many benefits for us. I previously had shared as well about this, at my college, FISIP UI. In essence, for friends who are lucky to follow all sorts of activities abroad, my message (which I also always remind to myself - do not forget to give back! Not everyone can be as fortunate as us: D):
Abroad, Why Not?View more presentations from Mohammed Usman
Hence, perhaps one of the most frequent questions I receive is:

1. How the hell do I can be a scholarship to school abroad?

2. What wrote that to be prepared if you want the school to overseas?
Well, actually the question is "quite wrong address" if asked to me. Because I own have not even (really) study abroad (at least for a long time). Amazingly questions like this often really I have received, and makes me feel responsible to share, at least what I know and what I've listened from friends who've managed to schools abroad.

Question 1: How can a scholarship?
Well, for this question honestly rather difficult to answer. Since I still own s1, and also have the same question "how can ya scholarships abroad for s2?": D - The only thing I know, Be Prepared! Get ready! Get ready! Yes, scholarships (especially for schools abroad) rather than things that can prepared overnight, but it takes time, takes the process! Starting from preparing with our capacity, to be updated with itself scholarship information. Often we only know universities like Harvard, Columbia, Yale (Ivy League) in the U.S. - when in fact there really many other universities whose quality is also good. But, we often think about the scholarships and "good" universities only it. Though not necessarily in general tables of universities that rank well, but also good for the major (majors) that we want to take. So, basically be prepared, be updated with information. Usually, the opening of the scholarship about the same time every year really - so it's time we should know. Although for example you want to take s2 2 more years, or still the old (according to you) does not hurt to look around for info from now, about the time of registration, etc.. So when it comes real, you already well prepared!
Some links that could be used as a reference for ranking information in the U.S. *: - includes ranks for multiple categories
National Universities Rankings:
S1 -
S2 - website is THE best source of info for undergraduate admissions (discussion forum anyway, but it's very informative and helpful): the non-discussion based website:

Businessweek also has a pretty good list of MBA / BBA Rankings, but They use different methods of ranking the schools, though They are more legitimate than FORBES Considered by Employers:
In addition to universities, note also the city where the university is located. Sometimes it is taken into consideration as well! Because it is if the school there, we do not just learn wrote - but it also has another life outside of it.
* Thank you Marsha Sugana for Helping me with the links:)

Question 2: What is to be prepared if college / school abroad?
Note: This answer me summarize the story of my friends are already there first. Once more, I am not the expert in this field, but it is only trying to help me
1. Application Preparation
Besides the things required of an academic nature (like a transcript), SAT / GMAT / GRE (International SAT test fixtures can be seen here), etc. (check what it needs syarat2 wrote on the university website that you want to go - note that you fill out forms that right - there Might Be That couple of application forms you have to prepare). In addition, if for example going to the U.S., there is now named the Common Application (so you no need to charge the application of millions of times to apply to some univ in there - tp remember, sometimes there are some apps that supplements must be prepared u / brp certain univ) . But It helps!
There are also other things that also ga less important to be prepared:
We must know what language is used both the language of instruction in college, as well as everyday language. Although such language is English introduction, but if everyday language is French / Spanish, you need to survive, right? Usually a number of universities set a requirement for foreign language skills, especially for prospective students from countries that do not use English as main language. Continue gimana dong? Yups, TOEFL. Usually, the TOEFL is used also the IBT (internet based TOEFL). If you feel language skills are lacking, do not worry. It's pointless to prepare far in advance, so that we can also learn more about the language. TOEFL test information, one of which can be found here.
Essay should not be underestimated! It's become one of the vital parts. If for example, academic achievement tend to be mediocre wrote, essay could ngedongkrak really. Or if academic achievement and non-academic extraordinary, but fitting in an essay "zzzz" really - are also questionable:) In the video below that I uploaded (which At America) - Juris (one speaker) at the end of the video - really ngejelasin essay about the importance of time and how he made essay first. In essence, make the essay is one section that requires a fairly long time, and needs exercise. You can start with examples often read essays from students who managed to escape into a top university (many really sold in bookstores) - or it could be searching on the Internet (eg this). Do not forget to ask someone to proofread your essay.
Recommendation Letter
Usually prompted several letters of recommendation. Letters of recommendation are usually given by people outside the nuclear family. And usually comes from two circles: the scope of the school (academic) and outside of school. Make sure that person a letter of recommendation for you, are people who know you personally, so that could explain the specifics WHO you are. Letters of recommendation rather than just saying general things like "Yeah the A child is smart and diligent", but very specific such as "A is a child who has a willingness to pursue what he dreamed. When it ... / in my class .... "- So, if people do not know at you, how people can give us recommendations about you. It's good, you also love letters of recommendation examples are like what (can be googling) - so people have some idea, especially if she has never make a recommendation letter before. And do not deadliner! Love enough time for the person to think and write it:)
Is arguably the graduate level version of the SAT. Almost all the universities, if my friends want ngambil all set S2 GRE requirement. What wrote his tests?

* Verbal Reasoning - Measures your ability to analyze and evaluate written material and synthesize information obtained from it, analyze relationships Among the component parts of sentences and Recognize relationships Among words and concepts.
* Quantitative Reasoning - Measures of problem-solving abilities, focusing on basic concepts of arithmetic, algebra, geometry and data analysis.
* Analytical Writing - Measures critical thinking and analytical writing skills, specifically your ability to articulate and support complex ideas Cleary and effectively.
Info about the GRE can be found here.
2. Preparation Costs
Let's say you're not studying abroad on a scholarship, now very important to calculate the costs involved before departure. Typically, cost considerations also become one of the considerations in deciding where to go to school. Because the standard of living in one city can aja different from other cities, though still in a state. Even if you can fellowship, also note whether the scholarship is already fully bear the costs involved? My advice, it may be many, many discussions or chat with temaan / brother / seniors / teachers who never attended school there, at least it could be a picture.
3. Academic Completeness and Applications
Make sure that all necessary requirements are complete (check list again yes) - and you also are ready mentally and financially: D! Send it on time! Do not be late - leaving enough time for potential delays:)
Want to be more complete, could also watch some videos which I think is quite relevant and recommended:
First, when I follow-sharing session at the At America and listen to the story of my friends who've directly nyemplung school there (it becomes more reliable tips: D). In this video, my friends could be the most basic info about education in the U.S., how do I prepare for the scholarship, ampe about student's life from the perspective of young people of Indonesia itself.
Well, hopefully this bit of writing can help friends who are more hopeful and struggling to be able to study abroad. Kok ga dream one up high, yet education is so escalation of our lives (as they always say Mas Anies Baswedan to me: D) - If anyone might have had similar experiences, maybe can share and nambahin too:) Try to find information from sources Another guess, who knows I have a forgotten or overlooked. Hopefully helpful:). If according to friends is helpful, please share to the other. Let's Make more Indonesians going abroad for good:)

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