Who does not want schools abroad? Without intending to underestimate education in our country, but indeed to overseas schools be one of the attractions for most students in Indonesia, and the United States may be one of the main goals (or favorites). Previously, I was sharing about what is excess school abroad. In essence, starting from getting the best teachers in the world, a complete super facilities that support learning activities, friends from different countries (diversed), global connections, a library complete with books, and the values of life that may can only be found when it is outside your comfort zone (self-reliance, tolerance, patience, etc.), are a handful of benefits that can be found when schools abroad. My friend Marsha has written about the Indonesian Sugana vs. the American Education in Jakpost too: D
Far from schools abroad, student exchange activities short, training, or even a vacation though many benefits for us. I previously had shared as well about this, at my college, FISIP UI. In essence, for friends who are lucky to follow all sorts of activities abroad, my message (which I also always remind to myself - do not forget to give back! Not everyone can be as fortunate as us: D):
Abroad, Why Not?View more presentations from Mohammed Usman
Hence, perhaps one of the most frequent questions I receive is:
1. How the hell do I can be a scholarship to school abroad?
2. What wrote that to be prepared if you want the school to overseas?
Well, actually the question is "quite wrong address" if asked to me. Because I own have not even (really) study abroad (at least for a long time). Amazingly questions like this often really I have received, and makes me feel responsible to share, at least what I know and what I've listened from friends who've managed to schools abroad.
Question 1: How can a scholarship?
Well, for this question honestly rather difficult to answer. Since I still own s1, and also have the same question "how can ya scholarships abroad for s2?": D - The only thing I know, Be Prepared! Get ready! Get ready! Yes, scholarships (especially for schools abroad) rather than things that can prepared overnight, but it takes time, takes the process! Starting from preparing with our capacity, to be updated with itself scholarship information. Often we only know universities like Harvard, Columbia, Yale (Ivy League) in the U.S. - when in fact there really many other universities whose quality is also good. But, we often think about the scholarships and "good" universities only it. Though not necessarily in general tables of universities that rank well, but also good for the major (majors) that we want to take. So, basically be prepared, be updated with information. Usually, the opening of the scholarship about the same time every year really - so it's time we should know. Although for example you want to take s2 2 more years, or still the old (according to you) does not hurt to look around for info from now, about the time of registration, etc.. So when it comes real, you already well prepared!
Some links that could be used as a reference for ranking information in the U.S. *:
http://www.usnews.com/rankings - includes ranks for multiple categories
National Universities Rankings:
S1 - http://colleges.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-colleges/rankings/national-universities
S2 - http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-graduate-schoolsThis website is THE best source of info for undergraduate admissions (discussion forum anyway, but it's very informative and helpful):http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/or the non-discussion based website: http://www.collegeconfidential.com/
Businessweek also has a pretty good list of MBA / BBA Rankings, but They use different methods of ranking the schools, though They are more legitimate than FORBES Considered by Employers:http://www.businessweek.com/bschools/rankings/
In addition to universities, note also the city where the university is located. Sometimes it is taken into consideration as well! Because it is if the school there, we do not just learn wrote - but it also has another life outside of it.
* Thank you Marsha Sugana for Helping me with the links:)
Question 2: What is to be prepared if college / school abroad?
Note: This answer me summarize the story of my friends are already there first. Once more, I am not the expert in this field, but it is only trying to help me
1. Application Preparation
Besides the things required of an academic nature (like a transcript), SAT / GMAT / GRE (International SAT test fixtures can be seen here), etc. (check what it needs syarat2 wrote on the university website that you want to go - note that you fill out forms that right - there Might Be That couple of application forms you have to prepare). In addition, if for example going to the U.S., there is now named the Common Application (so you no need to charge the application of millions of times to apply to some univ in there - tp remember, sometimes there are some apps that supplements must be prepared u / brp certain univ) . But It helps!
There are also other things that also ga less important to be prepared:
We must know what language is used both the language of instruction in college, as well as everyday language. Although such language is English introduction, but if everyday language is French / Spanish, you need to survive, right? Usually a number of universities set a requirement for foreign language skills, especially for prospective students from countries that do not use English as main language. Continue gimana dong? Yups, TOEFL. Usually, the TOEFL is used also the IBT (internet based TOEFL). If you feel language skills are lacking, do not worry. It's pointless to prepare far in advance, so that we can also learn more about the language. TOEFL test information, one of which can be found here.
Essay should not be underestimated! It's become one of the vital parts. If for example, academic achievement tend to be mediocre wrote, essay could ngedongkrak really. Or if academic achievement and non-academic extraordinary, but fitting in an essay "zzzz" really - are also questionable:) In the video below that I uploaded (which At America) - Juris (one speaker) at the end of the video - really ngejelasin essay about the importance of time and how he made essay first. In essence, make the essay is one section that requires a fairly long time, and needs exercise. You can start with examples often read essays from students who managed to escape into a top university (many really sold in bookstores) - or it could be searching on the Internet (eg this). Do not forget to ask someone to proofread your essay.
Recommendation Letter
Usually prompted several letters of recommendation. Letters of recommendation are usually given by people outside the nuclear family. And usually comes from two circles: the scope of the school (academic) and outside of school. Make sure that person a letter of recommendation for you, are people who know you personally, so that could explain the specifics WHO you are. Letters of recommendation rather than just saying general things like "Yeah the A child is smart and diligent", but very specific such as "A is a child who has a willingness to pursue what he dreamed. When it ... / in my class .... "- So, if people do not know at you, how people can give us recommendations about you. It's good, you also love letters of recommendation examples are like what (can be googling) - so people have some idea, especially if she has never make a recommendation letter before. And do not deadliner! Love enough time for the person to think and write it:)
Is arguably the graduate level version of the SAT. Almost all the universities, if my friends want ngambil all set S2 GRE requirement. What wrote his tests?
* Verbal Reasoning - Measures your ability to analyze and evaluate written material and synthesize information obtained from it, analyze relationships Among the component parts of sentences and Recognize relationships Among words and concepts.
* Quantitative Reasoning - Measures of problem-solving abilities, focusing on basic concepts of arithmetic, algebra, geometry and data analysis.
* Analytical Writing - Measures critical thinking and analytical writing skills, specifically your ability to articulate and support complex ideas Cleary and effectively.
Info about the GRE can be found here.
2. Preparation Costs
Let's say you're not studying abroad on a scholarship, now very important to calculate the costs involved before departure. Typically, cost considerations also become one of the considerations in deciding where to go to school. Because the standard of living in one city can aja different from other cities, though still in a state. Even if you can fellowship, also note whether the scholarship is already fully bear the costs involved? My advice, it may be many, many discussions or chat with temaan / brother / seniors / teachers who never attended school there, at least it could be a picture.
3. Academic Completeness and Applications
Make sure that all necessary requirements are complete (check list again yes) - and you also are ready mentally and financially: D! Send it on time! Do not be late - leaving enough time for potential delays:)
Want to be more complete, could also watch some videos which I think is quite relevant and recommended:
First, when I follow-sharing session at the At America and listen to the story of my friends who've directly nyemplung school there (it becomes more reliable tips: D). In this video, my friends could be the most basic info about education in the U.S., how do I prepare for the scholarship, ampe about student's life from the perspective of young people of Indonesia itself.
Well, hopefully this bit of writing can help friends who are more hopeful and struggling to be able to study abroad. Kok ga dream one up high, yet education is so escalation of our lives (as they always say Mas Anies Baswedan to me: D) - If anyone might have had similar experiences, maybe can share and nambahin too:) Try to find information from sources Another guess, who knows I have a forgotten or overlooked. Hopefully helpful:). If according to friends is helpful, please share to the other. Let's Make more Indonesians going abroad for good:)