Thursday, September 8, 2011

Understanding of School As A System

            School as a system, includes several components, and each component consists of several factors. Interrelated with each other to form one system. School components system consists of input (input), process (process), direct output (output) and indirect outputs (outcomes).

           The characteristics of the system:
- Composed of many elements
- Each element has a specific role to support the overall function
- Composed in a certain order
- Between each of the elements of mutual influence, interdependence and interrelated
- Having a purpose and specific objectives
- Proceed to do transformations in a way or a certain mechanism
- Requires input from the outside or the environment
- Never be tempted from environmental influences
- Having a control mechanism to adapt to a changing environment
- Has a limit time limit

           Input is the everything that is needed by the school system to produce the expected outputs. Inputs include the input of raw, instrumental, and environmental input.
- Standard input is that students, including their characteristics.
- Instrumental input is teachers, facilities and infrastructure, curriculum, funding and managing of schools
- Environment input is anything that is outside the scope of the school.
           The process is any activity undertaken by the school, including all the processes that occur within the school / classroom in order mengubag inputs to produce the targeted expenditure, the process here includes teaching and learning, school management activities, and activities of the school administration.
Direct Output
           Direct output is there anything that is directly generated by the system of education, among others, the number of graduate school, and student learning outcomes that are in the form of cognitive, affective, and skill.
Indirect Output
          Indirect output is all the results obtained by graduates in the community as a result of education, including power serao graduates who enter higher education and keseuaian between education to employment.


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