Wednesday, September 7, 2011

School Infrastructure

The size and types of schools vary depending on the source of power and purpose of education providers. A school may be very simple in which the location of a place to meet between a teacher and a participant or learner , or perhaps, a complex of large buildings with hundreds of rooms with tens of thousands of teachers and students or participants. Here is the infrastructure that is often encountered in institutions in Indonesia, based on its usefulness:

Learning Room

Study room is a room where activities of learning and teaching take place. Learning room consists of several types according to their functions, namely:
  • Classrooms or Face-to-face room, this room has function as a room where students receive lessons through an interactive process between learners with educators , the study room consists of various sizes, and class function is divided to be 2 types, those are moving class and remain class.



Office is a place where the educational staff do the school administration process, in the bigger institutions, office is a separate building.



As an institution that moves in science , the existence of a library is very important. Students must first have a borrowing card to borrow a book in the library of school.


Yard / Field

Is a common area that has many functions including:
  • ceremony place
  • place of sport
  • outdoor activities place
  • gym exercise place
  • playground / rest 


Other Rooms


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